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Natural Detoxifying Complex


Each tablet for sucking contains licorice root extract (Liquiritiae radix) milk thistle fruit extract (Cardui marianae fructus), basil extract (Basil herba),

thyme extract (thyme herba), raspberry fruit extract (Rubii idae fructus), lemon balm extract (Melissae herba), peppermint extract (Menthae piperita herba)
, lavender extract (Lavandulae flos), rosemary essential oil (Rosmarin aetheroleum), peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita aetheroleum) and excipients. By combining the extracts from the composition of the product "Natural detoxifying complex" a phytocomplex with general detoxifying action was designed to ensure the neutralization of toxins and their elimination from the body.


Box containing 4 blisters (10 tablets for sucking / blister).


Hepatoprotective, it stimulates protein synthesis, protects and triggers liver cell regeneration, it contributes to the normalization of elevated serum transaminases, it helps increasing the bile flow, it improves fat digestion, it has a slightly laxative and depurative effect efficient in the processes of elimination of harmful substances (alcohol, drugs with hepatotoxic side effects, heavy metals,
pesticides, anesthetics, toxins from poisonous mushrooms), it has immunostimulatory action and it helps neutralizing the effect of some allergenic substances; it displays antidepressant effects and a
detoxifying action of the central and neurovegetative nervous system.


It ensures the intake of nutrients and bioactive substances for protecting and restoring the liver cell function and has a prophylactic effect against the development of diseases caused by the accumulation of toxins in the body. It is recommended in hepatic failure, hepatic steatosis, inflammatory disorders affecting the motility of the gall bladder (atonic bladder with stagnation of bile secretion) except for the presence of medium-sized and large gallstones, chronic allergies to chemicals and allergens from the environment, some skin disorders (rash, acne, eczema, in some psoriasis cases), it is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of some forms of cancer during chemotherapy and radiation treatments (it enables the detoxification and elimination of the resulting degradation metabolites), chronic constipation, indigestion, food poisoning, mushroom poisoning, complementary treatment of the renal congestion, spleen, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, premenstrual syndrome, benign prostatic hypertrophy, states of depression induced by the negative influence of liver malfunction on the general metabolic activity of the body. It can be used during long courses.

  • Lactose free!
  • Shelf life: 2 years.

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